Refunds and Returns

Refund and Return Policy

Thank you for purchasing jewelry and accessories from Sparkly Group Buys.

In order to be eligible for a refund, you must either (1) request a refund prior to the receipt of your CAD design for the product you ordered, (2) do not approve the CAD by replying to its correspondence to you in writing within 48 hours of receiving it, and requesting cancellation of the order, or (3) send your order number and a written request for a return label to within two calendar days of receiving your product.

After we receive your item with its return label, we will inspect the product and process your refund. When your return is fully processed, you will receive your refund within 7 to 10 business days using the original payment method for the order.

If the product was damaged in any way after you received it or you do not initiate a return process outlined above, you will not be eligible for a refund.

If this policy is not clear, or you have additional questions, please contact our customer support team at